Reference Sires
Glenoch Angus use carefully selected reference sires from Australia, USA and our own home bred genetics to produce sons that will contribute to the profitability of your program. Each year we make our selection for backup bulls from the yearling group based on their phenotype, actual performance and scan data plus EBV’s and Genomics. Their dam’s production record is also high on our list of requirements.

G A R HOME TOWN PV (Natural)
Backed by years of breeding diligence and industry experience, Home Town combines calving ease, performance and carcass quality in a moderate frame. He sits in the top 2% for EMA and top 5% for IMF. Home Town is a phenotypic standout – big-hipped, wide-based with an attractive herd bull presence.

A powerful son of Hoover No Doubt who has taken the world by storm, out of Beast Mode’s full flush sister. He is deep, stout, square made, structurally correct with a top-notch disposition. Top 1% on all growth traits, he is a bull that will add performance with maternal strength coming from the famous Baldridge Isabel Y69, who needs no introduction.

HPCA Veracious
Veracious was the Lot 1 and high-selling bull from well respected Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus. Veracious a good outcross sire by Mill Brae Identified 4031 out of a GAR Sunrise cow who has an impressive story in her own right. Veracious offers sought-after outcross genetics for big-time carcass improvement – no other Angus bull touches his trifecta of Carcase Weight (CW). Marbling (IMF) and Eye Muscle Area (EMA). Veracious is one of the most balanced trait superior bulls in the breed. Veracious has calving ease with top growth, excellent feed efficiency, unmatched Marbling and Ribeye combination, while maintaining good feet, moderate stature and mature size.
His growth for 200, 400, and 600 days are in the top 8% EBV’s in Angus Australia Angus tech EBV tables. Angus Breeding Index of $275 top 2% and Angus Feeding Low-Cost Index of $455 top 1%.

Q21 is a well-balanced performance Angus bull. Q21 absolutely excels in:
Calving ease, shorter calving time, Great feed efficiency, Very large Eye Muscle area (EMA), more than double breed average marbling, Outstanding feet and leg soundness, Top 2% Angus Feed Index, Top 6% angus Low feed cost index, Huge Retail beef yield, Good temperament, short haired and sleek skinned.
Q21’s full sister – WWE Q23 is the highest marbling/feed efficiency combination cow in Australia and his nephew WWE 22T2 – has no equal when you sort his data. Exemplary family high performance Angus genetics.
Q21’s sire Murray Proceed M204 is the “dark horse” in the efficient production of high-quality Angus beef in Australia.
Use Q21 sons to improve calving, soundness, high-quality carcasses and cattle with very acceptable growth and user-friendly dispositions.


GLENOCH R192 has 5 sons in the sale.
GLENOCH R156 is a homebred bull chosen for his high Growth and Carcase qualities. His 200, 400, 600 and MCW are in the top 15% and Docility top 8%. He is in the top 1% for EMA at +17.3 and Top 8% IMF at +45. We always look at their phototype as well as their EBV’s at the time of selection and he stood out as a quality young sire. Angus breeding Index of $242 Top 12 % and Angus feeding Low-cost Index of $401 being top 8%
GLENOCH R134 has 8 sons in the sale.

On-property & online sale Tuesday 6th august 2024 at 1pm